August 1st marks the first Harvest Sabbat in the Pagan religion. Lammas is the first of three harvest Sabbats. Mabon will be the 2nd and falls on the Fall Equinox, followed by Samhain on November 1st. As with the farming cycles and season cycles, it is a time to reap what we have sown. What were your intentions this Spring? Of course, this is in reference to the Northern Hemisphere as our friends from the South are on the opposite cycle. What are you ready to harvest in your life?
We often rush from day to day, season to season, year to year. I have learned it is beneficial to stop and take stock of what we have accomplished. Fall is the perfect time to do this. Although August may seem early, it is the start. Most farmers are on their second cutting of hay and many are combining grain. What has come to fruition for you since March. What are you grateful for?
This a wonderful time to make a list of all the things you are grateful for or start a gratitude journal.
There are so many benefits to living a life in gratitude. You will have a more positive attitude, less stress and you will be on the way to becoming a manifesting magician!
With the Lion's Gate Portal just around the corner, now is a great time to meditate on and visualize anything that you would like to bring into your reality. Gratitude, Universal energy and Intention are a perfect recipe for manifesting success. The Lion's Gate Portal happens on 8-8 every year. It is when the sun (in Leo) aligns with the start Sirius, Orion's belt and the earth. It is a powerful manifesting portal.
Wishing you an endless list of things to be grateful for and lots of manifesting magic!